All prices indicated on our website are NET AT ORIGIN, (maintaining the same prices of our suppliers in the case of imported parts). This allows us to offer a very wide range of products at a competitive price (equal to the price they have in their countries of origin, in the case of being rare parts and not manufactured by us). Due to the particularities of the volume of fibre parts for racing vehicles, and the fact that carriers charge by volume and not by weight, it is very complex and laborious to calculate the final volume of a shipment before packing it (very variable in number of parts, shape of the parts and the possibility of "fitting" one inside the other), we therefore always make it easy for you to pick them up in person or through the carrier of your choice. This difficulty in calculating the volume of a shipment, and consequently, the price of postage (especially for shipments outside the European Union) is the reason why many international manufacturers "don't even bother" in responding to requests for quotations from other countries. We make every effort to facilitate these international and even intercontinental shipments, and - as an example - have shipped to countries as far away as Australia, Taiwan, Japan, USA, Chile, Ecuador and Argentina or so "complicated" as Mexico. Of course also to almost all EU countries, as well as to Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania... Currently we no longer ship to Russia. For all of these reasons: • Since we do not increase the prices at origin, in the case of imported parts, we have to pass on to the customer the unavoidable costs of international import transport. • We always try to achieve maximum protection, minimum volume and, consequently, minimum transport costs (we have very good prices for volume and we do not increase, for our benefit, the price of the transporters).
• MARITIME SHIPMENTS: We ask for a little understanding for the difficulties in making the transport valuation in which the search for the best transport price can only be carried out with the material already manufactured and palletised (knowing its exact volume) and for shipment during the current month itself (as the shipping offers are only valid until the end of the same month and change at the beginning of the following month). • AIR SHIPMENTS: We do not do this because of the usual large volume of our parts and because it does not seem to make sense (from an economic point of view, an urgent and expensive shipment of a material that will have to be manufactured in several weeks). However, if you are interested, we can supply you with parts "Ex-Works La Coruña" and you take care of the transport.